EEDMOE Office Sohayok Exam Result 2024 PDF Download
EEDMOE Office Sohayok Result 2024 PDF Download
EEDMOE Office Sohayok Exam Result 2024 pdf download | Education Engineering Job Result. Have you participated in the recruitment test of the Education Engineering Department (EEDMOE)? So now you want to know the details about the results of the recruitment test? Yes then we will say you are coming to the right place. Because we are going to provide detailed information about the results of the recruitment test of the Education Engineering Department through the said registration. And at the same time the results will be published here.
EEDMOE Exam Result 2024
The first phase recruitment recruitment test of the Education Engineering Department (EEDMOE) has been held. Which started at 3 pm on 22th September and lasted till 4 pm. The recruitment test is taken on MCQ question paper for 1 hour. Where the total number was 80, which was formulated based on 4 subjects. A total of 3 lakh 15 thousand 60 candidates took part in the examination for the post of 515 vacant office assistant posts. Candidates from all districts of Bangladesh took part in the EEDMOE recruitment test.
EEDMOE Office Sohayok Exam Result 2024
We talked to our Chief Engineer (Routine Responsibility) Md. Arifur Rahman about publishing the results of the Education Engineering Department. He told us, as you know, a very big notification was issued for the recruitment of candidates in EEDMOE. But because of the epidemic of corona virus, the time we thought of taking the recruitment test has come out.
As a result, the recruitment test schedule has been postponed and the Corona outbreak has already started. One by one, a total of 1194 vacancies in 12 categories will be examined. Upon completion of which, the results of one post EEDMOE recruitment test will be released. We hope that all the activities related to the results will be completed properly and the results will be given very soon.
Education Engineering Department Result
We talked to our Chief Engineer (Routine Responsibility) Md. Arifur Rahman about publishing the results of the Education Engineering Department. He told us, as you know, a very big notification was issued for the recruitment of candidates in EEDMOE. But because of the epidemic of corona virus, the time we thought of taking the recruitment test has come out.
As a result, the recruitment test schedule has been postponed and the Corona outbreak has already started. One by one, a total of 1194 vacancies in 12 categories will be examined. Upon completion of which, the results of one post EEDMOE recruitment test will be released. We hope that all the activities related to the results will be completed properly and the results will be given very soon.
EEDMOE Office Sohayok Exam Result 2024 has been published in the above section has provided a lot of information. From which you can easily know about EEDMOE results and get it. Wishing everyone a very good result and at the same time a beautiful life, we are ending here. Thank you so much for visiting our website and for taking the time to read this article.