JBC Exam Result 2024 | Jiban Bima Corporation Job MCQ Result
JBC Result 2024 | Jiban Bima Corporation Job MCQ Result
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, JBC Exam Result 2024 | Jiban Bima Corporation Job Written (MCQ) Result. Corona wishes everyone good and good health even during the epidemic, let’s start the post. In that post we will share the results of Jiban Bima Corporation (JBC) Recruitment MCQ, written and oral and practical exams. So let’s find out first, when was the JBC recruitment test? When will the results be published? And how and where will you get the results. Watch the post carefully to know the answers to all these questions.
Jiban Bima Corporation Exam Result 2024
The recruitment test for the Jiban Bima Corporation (JBC) job has already been completed. Preliminary selection MCQ examination of 3 categories was held on 3rd and 4th September, 2024. The recruitment examination for the three posts of JBC job in 3 categories was held at different times. A total of 2 lakh 87 thousand 2 hundred and 72 candidates participated in the recruitment test against 540 posts. It is to be noted that the recruitment notification of the said Life Insurance Corporation which was held was published last year i.e. on 2nd May, 2023. Whose online application started on 5th May and lasted for 1 month and ended on 6th June, 2023.
JBC Exam Result 2024
The first stage or preliminary selection MCQ test of JBC has been taken. All the candidates who took part in the recruitment test for the job are now eagerly awaiting the results. Because at the end of the test, everyone wants to know the results. Those who give good exams are most eagerly waiting and expecting good results. In the case of Bangladesh, a government job is equivalent to a golden deer in this country. So no matter what the competition or the number of candidates goes for all kinds of government jobs, the sky is the limit. Let’s come now, in fact, when will the test results of the Jiban Bima Corporation be published?
We spoke to JBC Chairman Md. Maksudul Hasan Khan about this. He told us that the results are released in the middle of the day and night on the day of the current job test. But due to the high number of candidates in the JBC recruitment examination, we could not take the examination for 3 posts on the same day. Due to which I took 2 posts on Friday and 1 post on Saturday. Due to which it will take some time to publish the results of the examination for those 3 posts at the same time and due to the large number of candidates, it will take some time to publish the results of JBC. However, it is expected that the results of the JBC test will be released in the next 2 to 5 days.
DYD Exam Result | Dept of Youth Devt Job (MCQ) Result
ww.jbc.gov.bd recruitment exam result
Jiban Bima Corporation Recruitment Preliminary Selection Written (MCQ) Examination has been held between 60, 70 and 80 marks respectively. Where the value of each question was numbered 1. That means the value of 60 questions is 60 marks, here the negative mark for each wrong answer was 0.25 marks. To put it bluntly, if you answer four questions incorrectly, the number 1 will be deducted from the number obtained. Life Insurance Corporation’s preliminary selection MCQ test results have been released. Which is published in PDF format on the JBC official website at www.jbc.gov.bd. See the JBC test results very easily by following the simple steps below.
JBC Upper Division Assistant (UDA) Result
JBC’s recruitment examination for the post of Upper Division Assistant (UDA) was held on September 3, 2021 at 3 pm. Which lasted for 1 hour and ended at 4 pm. A total of 163292 candidates took part in the examination against the 176 vacant posts of the said Upper Division Assistant. A total of 8164.6 candidates passed the written (MCQ) examination at the rate of 5%.
JBC Office Assistant Computer Typist Exam Result
The examination for the post of Jiban Bima Corporation Office Assistant Computer Typist was held from 10 am to 11 am. Where about 70268 job-seeking candidates took part in the examination for 165 vacant seats. In contrast, a total of 10 thousand candidates have passed the preliminary selection MCQ data written test. Those who got priority to take part in the next step test.
JBC Office Sohayak Result
Office Assistant which is the number three post in the recruitment notification of JBC. The number of seats in that post is 199 which is much more than the other two posts. However, the number of candidates for the post of office assistant is much less than the previous two posts, which is only 53712 people. The pass rate in the office assistant post is again higher than other posts (which is 15%).
JBC Viva & Practical Exam Date 2024
Jiban Bima Corporation has published the results of written (MCQ) examinations for various posts as well as the schedule of oral and practical examinations. The oral examination for the post of Upper Division Assistant and Office Assistant will be held on 10th September. And the practical examination for the post of Office Assistant Computer Typist will be held on 11th September, 2024. It is to be noted that the oral and practical examinations will be held at the head office of JBC at 10 am.
Final words:
JBC Exam Result 2024 has already been released, with a copy of the results and the next step exam schedule given above. Throughout the post we have covered all the information of the alternate steps including the results of the recruitment test of the Jiban Bima Corporation. We hope this post has been very helpful for everyone. Heartfelt thanks to everyone for taking the time to be by my side, Allah Hafez.